June 20, 2003

  • Who’s Crazy Now?

    By: Stormy Stevens

    ©June 20, 2003


    I know my brain is sick

    and has been all my days.


    Sometimes I don’t think straight;

    Sometimes I hide away.


    Bipolar is the name they gave it;

    this sickness in my head.


    Sometimes I just want to give up;

    Sometimes I just want to stay in bed.


    No one’s life is all roses;

    but then it isn’t all thorns.


    Some days the sun shines brightly;

    and other days the rain must pour.


    Sometimes I wish for normalcy;

    but can you tell me what that is?


    Some days I can be quite bright;

    Other days I’m a total diz.


    So take me with my mood swings;

    the good, the bad, the all.


    And don’t be scared to talk to me;

    I won’t break if I fall.


    So what if I’m not normal?

    Can you define that for me?


    Maybe I’m the normal one;

    and you’re the one that’s crazy.

  • Hmmm…. it was just the day before yesterday that I blogged here but it feels as if its been a month already. Go figure.

    Well, I’m still doing great on the meds. My pdoc returns from vacation on Monday and I am going to call him and let him know that I need a script called into my pharmacy for my Geodon. I sure don’t want to run out of my miricle med!

    I’m also going to get my 17 yr. old an appointment. Since he is 17 now my doctor will see him. He needs to be screened and dx’ed. I know, without a doubt, that he is BP, and I hate that, so I need to get him on meds. He is doing a lot of mood swinging here lately too.

    I don’t have a lot to post in re of BP but I am getting ready to do some free writing on my SheWolf site, so if you want to take a gander over there in about an hour, you never know, you might find something of interest to ya.

    Oh, I went back to my online BP community! I’m soooooo happy to be back there. It is a true blessing in my life and I really need it. I should have never left in the first place. I just didn’t recognize how bad off I had gotten and how much I missed it until I quit going. Anyway, I’m back with them now and doing really good there. I feel like I am helping others again and that makes me feel wonderful. After all, that *IS* what I was put into this life cycle for!

    OH YEAH! I also got www.stormyshewolf.com up and running! Won’t you please stop by and take a look. I’d love it if you would sign the guestbook and leave me your feedback!


June 18, 2003

  • Ay yi yi! Another month has passed without me blogging here!

    Well, I’m happy to say I’m on new meds again. I got Seroquel replaced by Geodon and I LOVE IT!

    My concentration is back, I’m happy again, I’m energetic, I’m starting to leave the house more. Its unreal what a difference this med switch did for me! I wish I would have been on Geodon all along! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The only real drawlback of my med cocktail now is insomnia. I have a lot of it, but its not a bad insomnia. I get a lot done during the wee hours of the morning. I’ve gotten to where I sleep like 8 hours every other day. Weird, eh?

    Well, I just wanted to catch you up on how I was doing! Love to all!

May 28, 2003

  • Oh my. A little more then a month has passed since I last blogged here. Shame on me.

    I have blogged on my SheWolf site though so I guess that is something.

    I have fallen back into a depressive cycle. I’ve been despretely trying to keep myself out of it… fighting it… but its won. I finally confessed to my husband last night, telling him how sorry I was that I’d fallen and how guilty I felt about it.

    Of course he told me that I had nothing to be sorry or guilty about but still, I do.

    I’ve been wearing those old social masks around here again… you know the ones I talk about… the ones that make you look okay to everyone on the outside while inside you are falling apart, while inside you are sobbing, feeling like you are dying. But we can’t let the masks crack, we can’t let them see. The masks have to stay strong so that no one feels uncomfortable around us.

    Its a living hell but I do it for my family. I’m supposed to be okay now. I’m on all this freakin’ medications now, I’m supposed to be OKAY DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just want to go to bed again and never get up. I just want the world to go away again and leave me alone. I don’t want anyone to see me or hear me. I don’t want to get dressed. I don’t want to go anywhere. I don’t have any flippin’ energy anymore. *sigh* This sooo sucks!

    I hurt so bad inside again. Why can’t this feeling just stay away? Why did it come back? WHY DID IT HAVE TO FUCKING COME BACK?! What in the hell did I do to make it come back???????????????

    I’m mad. I’m depressed. I feel sick. I have no energy. I want to sleep. I want to give up again. I don’t want to me anymore. I’m sick of being bipolar. I thought I was going to be okay. Here I am again, fucking depressed.

    I hate me.

April 23, 2003

  • I have applied for Social Security Disability four different times due to my bipolar disorder. This last time was the fourth and they told me I didn’t qualify for disability because I hadn’t worked enough. Well duh! I haven’t worked due to my disability!

    But that’s okay, I then applied for SSI. Its like disability but its actually a supplimental income. Its based on who’s living in the house with you and the income in your house. If everything pretty much stays the same, so does your monthly check. So I applied back in the last half of September of last year. I had decided that I didn’t care how many times they denied me this time I wasn’t going to give up. I would appeal every single time they denied me, I wasn’t about to let them wear me down to the point of giving up this time. No siree bob!

    I got a phone call yesterday afternoon around 2pm. It was the very first lady that I had spoken with after I had applied online for Social Security.

    She said, “Hello, Stormy? This is xxxx from Social Security. I’m the lady you spoke with after you first applied in the latter half of September last year when you applied?”

    “Yes?” I said. “Well I need to verify everything is still the same as when you applied okay?” she questioned. “Okay,” I said wearily, thinking this is more of the red tape syndrome they just love to put you through to wear you down to giving up.

    “Okay Stormy, you’ve been approved and I just need to verify your address, who is in the household and all the incomes in the home.”

    My mind got stuck on the phrase, “YOU’VE BEEN APPROVED.” Did I hear her right? Did she just say I had finally been approved? “Okay,” I told myself in my head, “Do NOT go ballistic. Stay calm and toned down and ask her to repeat herself and if she says it again remain calm and just answer her questions.

    “Um, ma’am?” I interrupt, “Could you repeat that?” She repeated what I thought I heard. My heart leapt into my throat and tears sprang to my eyes. A huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. I literally felt the weight life. I quietly sobbed with felief. Finally! Finally! I was finally approved! My fourth time trying and I got approved the first time around! I couldn’t believe it.

    I asked her to excuse me for my emotional state, that it is just one of those days and she said she understood and offered to call the next day and I quickly said no that I would be okay. We proceeded with the verification process and she told me she would be sending the papers out and that I would be paid for October 2002 to the current and that I would start recieving my money around the first of May. I don’t know if the lump sum check is coming then, and I don’t care. I just know that I am finally getting the finacial help that I need from them to survive on!!!!

    When the package of papers come I just have to make certain that everything is correct and put in my current bank statement and copies of HH’s check stubs from last September to current and that’s it. We’re ready to go.

    I still can’t believe that after all these years and the other rejections, of which I actually appealed and was rejected twice on and then just quit, that I am finally approved. Its just unbelievable for me and the weight that is lifted off my shoulders… WOW. I am so relieved that it’s not even funny.

    Now if I could just get out of this blooming mixed state that I am in and stop rapid cycling and just be even again things would be alright for awhile. But I guess that I can’t have everything, eh?

April 22, 2003

  • Well ouch! Its been a month since I’ve blogged here. I’ve been on that old roller coaster from hell again. Question is, was I really ever off it?

    I’ve been going to the BP Community though and that helps a lot. I think I would probably have already cracked up and been commited somewhere if it wasn’t for the people there. They’ve saved me a thousand times over already.

    I have an appointment, FINALLY, with my pdoc this coming Friday. I haven’t been to see him in a month either because I had to cancel my last appointment on the 7th due to being so sick. I’m so glad that I am going Friday. I need this appointment really bad. I hope he found a therapist for me like he said he was going to work on for me. I know I need more then just going to him every two weeks.

    I feel like I’m drowning and there’s no way out of all this shit that is locked away inside of me. Sometimes I just feel like I don’t have anyone to talk to at all, ever. There’s things that I just can’t talk to my husband about because he doesn’t understand or he isn’t really listening. Its not his fault, of course, but that’s why I need a therapist.

    I have become completely aggravated over a phone list that I keep. I’ve always kept it in my inboxes on my desk and now its gone. I’m really pissed off about this. I can’t find it anywhere. I’m going to look in the car. That’s the last place I can think of that it would be. Why it would be there, I don’t know, but it certainly isn’t anywhere in this house that I can find it!

    Well, I know this is short, but I’m not on top of my game today. I just wanted to post a little and let everyone know that I’m still kicking.

    Love and peace to you all.

March 23, 2003

  • I often find myself in the middle of panic and/or anxiety attacks either for reasons I know or for reasons I have no clue about. They’re very scarey and sometimes it feels like you are dying.

    I hate having them.

    Trying to overcome my agoraphobia, the “exercises” I’ve been doing in trying to overcome it, gives me panic/anxiety attacks.  See, I HAVE to leave my house as an exercise in getting over my agoraphobia. I have to THINK about leaving my house and imagine leaving my house as exercises of my agoraphobia. I have to walk outside my house, by myself and let go of the doorknob as an exercise. I have to walk out in the middle of the yard all by myself as an exercise. I have to keep pushing the envelope.

    There are other times I have panic/anxiety attacks too, but I’m not going to go into that right now. But I did find this article very informative and hope that someone out there may benefit from it too.

    Love to all out there.

    The artical can be found at: http://bipolar.about.com/library/weekly/aa032203-breath1.htm

    “Easing Anxiety Naturally” by JoAnn Revak explores methods to reduce anxiety by discharging tension and gives a beginners’ exercise in breath work. These techniques can be useful whether you are taking anti-anxiety medications or not.

    I hope that y’all go over there and read the article. Its a wonderful article just like all the articles are there in the BP Community.

  • OUCH!!!!!

    No one likes the factual articles? They just want to see my personal entries?

    I don’t know quite what to think about that.

March 22, 2003

  • A Book List for Bipolar Disorder

    This list can also be found at: http://bipolar.about.com/cs/books/index.htm#m

    The ones highlighted are the ones I have and are working my way through. I also have Mary Copeland’s workbooks, “Living without Depression and Manic Depression and Living without Depression.” In my opinion, they are great workbooks with some wonderful and helpful exercises in them.

    I thought it was far past time to put up an INFORMATIVE post since that is half of what this Xanga site is supposed to be about.

    I hope some of you find this helpful.


    The Bipolar Child
    By Demitri Papolos, M.D., and Janice Papolos. Learn why this book is a must-read for anyone who parents or works with a child who has or might have early-onset Bipolar Disorder.

    The Bipolar Child – Revised and Expanded Edition
    The definitive work on bipolar children has now become even better. Here’s a look at what’s new in the 2002 edition of Demitri and Janice Papolos’ ground-breaking book.

    Bipolar Puzzle Solution
    By Bryan L. Court, Gerald E. Nelson. A unique book written by a mental health client (with a psychiatrist’s commentary), contains actual questions from members of bipolar disorder support groups and covers the whole person: physical, emotional, and spiritual components of recovery.

    Electroboy: A Memory of Mania
    Andy Behrman’s manic memoirs suck the reader right into the whirlwind of his life up until bipolar disorder led him to take one risk too many and he wound up in prison for conspiracy to defraud. Electro-convulsive therapy proved to be the treatment that made the difference for him.

    His Bright Light: The Story of Nick Traina
    By Danielle Steel. Best-selling author courageously tells the story of her son, musician Nick Traina, whose bipolar disorder ultimately led him to suicide.

    Neural Misfire: A True Story of Manic Depression
    By Jeff Kazmierczak. We found this book to be a harrowing but compelling look at the experiences of a young man when he first experiences manic depression.

    We Heard the Angels of Madness
    by Diane and Lisa Berger. A fantastic resource for anyone whose life has been touched by the harsh realities of manic-depression. — Thank you Dianne for sending me this book.

    Win the Battle
    By Bob Olson with Melissa Olson. Subtitled “The 3-Step Lifesaving Formula to Conquer Depression and Bipolar Disorder,” this book will give hope to anyone who is struggling to find the right medications.

    Stop Clutter from Stealing Your Life
    Clutter is depressing. Depression breeds clutter. Hypo/mania buying sprees can add to clutter. Learn to break the cycle by identifying what makes you a clutterer and taking steps to take control instead of letting the clutter control you.

    Anthology of a Crazy Lady
    By Susan L. Heisler. You may love or hate this book; you may be angered or triggered by it. You may see yourself in it or learn from it. If you are any kind of therapist, this is a must-read.

    Agents in My Brain
    by Bill Hannon
    The author shares his experiences with “hyper manic highs and tearful depressive lows” illustrating that “peace” can be found again through medications. [Paperback]

    Beyond Prozac
    by Michael J. Norden, M.D.
    Dr. Norden looks at natural processes to supplement or replace the drug in the treatment of depression. [Hardcover]

     A Family-Focused Treatment Approach
    by David J. Miklowitz, Michael J. Goldstein, Lyman C. Wynne
    This is an indispensable treatment guide for all clinicians dealing with bipolar patients … it is a clearly written guide to a family-based program. In a managed care environment, this is a focused, flexible, and efficient treatment. – John F. Clarkin, PhD. [Hardcover]

    A Brilliant Madness
    by Patty Duke & Gloria Hochman
    Patty Duke shares her personal struggle with manic depression and medical reporter Gloria Hochman gives information on the disease itself. [Paperback]

    Call Me Anna
    by Patty Duke & Kenneth Turan
    Patty Duke unflinchingly tells her struggles leading up to her eventual diagnosis of manic depression. A moving and rewarding book. [Paperback]

    Darkness Visible
    by William Styron
    A chilling yet hopeful report of Styron’s descent into crippling depression – highly recommended. [Paperback]

    Feeling Good Handbook
    by David D. Burns
    Learn to isolate negative thoughts and focus on the positive. [Paperback]

    Flight of the Mind
    by Thomas C. Caramagno
    Virginia Woolf’s Art and Manic Depressive Illness. Draws from her journals and her published works, looking from a modern perspective on mental illness. [Hardcover]

    How You Can Survive When They’re Depressed
    by Anne Sheffield
    A valuable resource for those living and coping with the fallout of depression and manic depression. [Hardcover]

    Manic Depressive Illness
    by Frederick K. Goodwin & Kay Jamison
    An excellent resource of information on this illness. However, it is a fairly technical presention. [Hardcover]

    A Mood Apart
    by Peter C. Whybrow
    Dr. Whybrow examines mood disorder as “an affliction of the self,” exploring the human experience of manic depressive illness and rediscovering the human being within the diagnosis. [Hardcover]

    Out of the Shadows : Confronting America’s Mental Illness Crisis
    by E. Fuller Torrey
    E. Fuller Torrey’s polemic against the concept of “deinstitutionalization” takes us on a grim tour of the lives led by the mentally ill: untreated, homeless, jobless, and helpless against street violence. [Hardcover]

    Out of the Shadows : Confronting America’s Mental Illness Crisis
    by E. Fuller Torrey

    Prescription for Nutritional Healing
    by James and Phyllis Balch
    This is an excellent resource for information about vitamins, minerals, herbs and food supplements which contains a section specific to Bipolar Disorder. We do not, however, ever recommend discontinuing medication therapy without a doctor’s approval. [Paperback]

    Shadow Syndromes
    by John J. Ratey & Catherine Johnson
    A look at the mild forms of serious mental disorders that often seriously affect the course of our lives. [Hardcover]

    Touched with Fire
    by Kay Jamison
    An authoritative look at the relationship between manic-depressive illness and the artistic temperament. [Paperback]– Thank you Sherry for sending me this book.

    An Unquiet Mind
    by Kay Jamison
    A professor of medicine’s personal testimony of the revelation of her own struggle since childhood with manic-depression and how it has shaped her life. [Paperback]

    When Madness Comes Home
    by Victoria Secunda
    Help and hope for the children, siblings, and partners of the mentally ill. [Hardcover]

March 14, 2003

  • Well, I was supposed to go to the pdoc today, but his office called yesterday to reschedule me. They resceduled me all the way to the 24th! Only 4 days short of an entire month since I was last there.

    This really messes with me because I am in the routine of seeing him every other week. I’m thinking that maybe that is why I started feeling a little depression sinking in last night.

    I’m not really depressed today, just sort of down. Gods, I hope I am not headed for a mixed state again. I’m in those just far too often. Not as often as I used to be though. The med cocktail has really started to work. I just wish that my concentration would get better!

    Thanks to Apple, Red and Belinda for commenting on my poem in my last blog. I appreciate the feedback. That poem just came spewing out of me yesterday out of nowhere. I wasn’t watching TV or anything. Go figure.

    I found a book that I am really wanting super bad. I opened my newspaper today and there was a weekend TV guide insert and on the front of it was an ad for the USA Friday Night Movie which is, “The Stranger Beside Me”. Well its a true crime deal and its a book written by Ann Rule and its about Ted Bundy, but in a whole new light. She was following the serial killings and writting about them as they happened and the police notified her and told her it was Ted doing it. She was Ted’s friend!!!! Talk about turning someone for a loop! I wish we had the USA channel so I could see the movie tonight, but oh well, you know the books are always better.

    So now I am going to be looking for the book. I went to amazon and Ann Rule has written a lot of true crime books. I don’t know why I am drawn to them, but I am.

    Are you drawn to any certain type of book? If so, do you think it has anything at all to do with you having Bipolar if you have it? I’m drawn to true crime, horror, John Grisham books and things like that.

    Well folks, that’s all I feel like blogging here for now. Have a good weekend.

    Love to all.