March 13, 2003

  • Be Yourself
    ©Stormy Stevens 2003



    Beauty is irrelevant
    age is of the mind


    Strength is what we make it
    My health is mine


    We are bombarded daily
    to look a certain way


    Why do we torture ourselves
    instead of loving us every day?


    You must love yourself
    before another can, they say


    Is avoiding the things you love
    Denying yourself pleasures the way?


    Why look like another
    Just look like yourself


    Be happy with what you got
    Don’t put parts of you on the shelf


    Love yourself, for you are beautiful
    Don’t let anyone tell you different


    Love yourself because your alive
    and tell all those ad execs to get bent!

March 9, 2003

  • Saturday, March 8, 2003
    ©Stormy Stevens, 2003

    I shut myself down emotionally
    not letting them in–No cracks

    I smiled and played the part
    I was expected–and I didn’t look back

    My nephew and new bride
    so happy and jittery too

    I hugged them both warmly
    and told them “I love you.”

    My mother said hello to me
    I said a cordial hello back

    That’s the only words I spoke to her
    Love for her, I completely lack

    My brother tried to talk to me
    about computers and such

    I configured his so it would work for him
    I really didn’t have to do much.

    My sister-in-law’s family were there
    and I have no beef with them

    I held their babies and talked to all
    I think, with them, the better I blend.

    My sister-in-law strained for me
    to somehow “take her back”

    Maybe someday soon I will
    My love for her doesn’t really lack

    My oldest boy’s girlfriend came
    and she was quiet as a mouse

    I know exactly how she felt
    like we didn’t belong in that house.

    We finally got to leave after
    staying a “fair” amount of time

    I didn’t waste a minute with my coat
    when at two O’Clock the hour did chime

    Once in the car, all six of us in the car
    I only looked back once and I didn’t shed a tear

    I knew now I’d not be poisoned anymore
    not by them, not by my family, not by fear

    We came home and the girlfriend stayed
    and it all just felt so nice

    I smiled to myself because I had
    just come through hell and I did it quite nice

    I smiled even more because no one knew
    what exactly was going on inside

    My husband had the slightest clue
    and maybe I’ll tell him sometime.

March 7, 2003

  • Hello out there! I want to thank Cluelessapple and Belindaann38 for faithfully visiting my site here and supporting me along with all you others out there that stop by.

    I know that I don’t post regularly, but I wish that I could. I’m just not a “regular” or “normal” person. Sometimes I may post everyday for a month or better. Sometimes I may go a month or better without posting a thing. One day you may visit and I have completely revamped the site. You just never know with me. Its just when the mood strikes. The same goes for my Den site, its just a matter of mood I suppose.

    My agoraphobia is getting better. I can go out to a few stores now and things like that. I still have some panic attacks, but that is to be expected. I don’t really like going too far from home, but sometimes we do. I have to be with Darrin though. I worry about the codependency on him, but I will have to tackle that issue later. One issue at a time. I can’t tackle them all at once. One issue at a time just like one moment at a time.

    Hey, just a curious question, when y’all come to my site, do you hit that link up there at the top that says click here to vote for my site? As soon as you click it- that is the vote, and you can click it everytime you come to the site. I would really appreciate your votes. The votes help it raise on the board and therefore bring more people to the site and if I bring more people to the site maybe I can help more people understand more about Bipolar Disorder, ya know?

    I’m not saying you have to or anything, but I would sure appreciate it. It would help me out a lot.

    Oh, some great news! The factory that my husband left, well, today they came crawling back to him with their dirty, little tails tucked between their dirty, little legs and asked him to come back. He told them he would think about it over the weekend. They were trying every which way in the world to get him to come in today and negotiate the deal.

    He’s going to see the plant supervisor tomorrow and see what he’s got to offer. As long as it is what he was making before or more then he’s going back. Especially if it’s just a tech position. He (my hubby) said he would take the supervisor’s postion back if they asked him to, but he would rather work as the tech. LMAO.

    So that is going to take the stress of the bills and things off me. That is really, really a good thing.

    So anyway, that’s whats going on in my little corner of the world. We’re getting ready to eat supper and watch “The Ring” WooHoo!

    Have a good night/day everyone.

March 5, 2003

  • She would get no food tonight. She had started up the basement steps too soon– before the lock had clicked in place. He had thrown the door back open and she froze, terrified, and he bent down and swooped up the plate of hot, sweet-smelling food.

    “You stupid-assed brat! You KNOW you don’t come up those fucking steps until you hear the lock go back into place! Are you too stupid to learn that?!”

    She didn’t utter a sound, just stared at him, wide-eyed, not knowing if he actually wanted an answer from her or not. Instead, she lowered her head and edged down the steps, one by one on her bottom.

    The door slammed shut and the lights went out since they were controled from above. Another night of no food and having to sleep on the hard, cold, concrete floor. She tried to remember what she had done to warrent this punishment again, but as hard as she had tried, she couldn’t bring it to memory. The last thing she remembers is telling her aunt about her and her uncle playing horsey on the bed and how uncle showed her to hold onto his handle. Her aunt had gotten really mad.

    Then the next thing she knew she was being punished with the basement punishment. She had no clue as to what she had done wrong this time. She was trying so hard to be a good little girl. She didn’t want this punishment anymore. Of all the punishments this one was the worse, but then she thought that of every punishment she got.

    She wondered if all five year old girls were punished this way, if this was just the way life was everywhere. She didn’t know. If she was with daddy or mama, would they punish her like this too?

    Hours later she heard the lock click open again and the door open. She cowarded in the corner of the room, in the dark. She seen a bobbing light floating down the stairs. She was terrified. Was uncle adding something new to the basement punishment?

    It was her cousin. Her and her cousin were close, more like sisters. Her cousin brought her a plate of warmed up food and a big, fluffy sleeping bag. “Don’t let daddy catch you with this sleeping bag Stormy. Do you understand? If he does, then I will be in trouble too.” I told her I understood and would hide it in the junk boxes in the corner, making sure I was up and awake before him and that I would take my paper plate and plastic fork and stuff them in the holes in the walls and cover them back with the rocks that had fell out of those holes.

    My cousin hugged me and snuck back up the stairs and closed and locked the door back and went back to her room. At least someone was couragous enough in this family to risk helping her.

    After I ate, and the food was so good, I did as I promised and layed down and went to sleep. I woke up what seemed like every ten minutes, fearful that uncle would catch me.

    When morning came, I hid the sleeping bag and sat at the foot of the stairs. He opened the lock, put a bowl down, shut the door and waited. I didn’t move. I don’t know how long he waited but I didn’t move. Finally the lock clicked and I still waited. I waited until I heard his car pull out of the driveway before I rushed up the stairs and quickly at the stiffened oatmeal that was in the bowl.

    Yes, friends and neighbors. That is just one of the things I lived through when I was young. I hate basements. Most people are scared of basements due to having watched too many scary movies or a fear of the creepy crawlies that are always down there or whatever, but I am scared of going down into one and being locked up–either accidently or as a joke or on purpose or whatever. I will not, even when faced with a tornado or any other acts of nature or disaster go into a flippin’ basement!

    Who was this uncle that did this to me, you ask? The uncle that recently departed this world. I supposed that is why I needed to get this off my chest. I’ve been having nightmares about it again and maybe, I thought, if I wrote it out, the nightmares would stop, and I could get past, at least, this spot, in my life. I hope it works. I’m tired of waking up in the middle of the night thinking I’m in his basement again.

March 2, 2003

  • I just lost my whole web log, so I am going to have to start again. UGH!

    Oh well, it really is cathartic for me to blog here instead of writing in my notebook here at home so that I can get feedback and to let you, the reader, the precious reader who may feel totally alone and scared that they are all alone in this horrid disorder that you are NOT alone. There are THOUSANDS of us out here in the world suffering from this damned disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and it sucks and it bites and we are all wishing, hoping and praying that they will, eventually, find a cure for it.

    I do invite you to join the best online community that I have ever found that LITERALLY saved my life though. The people there on the forum boards are so loving, understand, have walked in our shoes, supportive, full of knowledge, ect. and then the articles on the site are wonderful about medications and far more then I can list here are wonderful and very educational. You can find this absolutly utopia for Bipolar Disorder and the people that love them at:

    Sorry, it looks like you will have to copy and paste. Xanga is not allowing me to make it a link for some reason. You can register at the site for free and join the forum boards and you will find all kinds of topics there and all kinds of loving and supportive people that are more then happy to listen to your story and answer your questions.

    Moving on from that. My uncle died on the 23rd of last month. I’ve been having mixed emotions about and trying to deal with all that shit. One one hand I’m sorry a family member passed on, but on the other hand, and it feels like a dark, black, wrong hand, I’m cheering that he is gone because of all the abuse that I suffered at the hands of that man.

    My pdoc talked with me about it and told me he could understand the mixed feelings and that it was normal.

    I don’t feel that it is normal, I don’t feel that any part of me should feel happy about it and I told him so. He asked me why and I told him because society rules that you are not to be happy when someone dies. He told me, “I’m part of society and I don’t see anything wrong with it.” Well, that sort of threw me for a loop because he was, of course, correct. So I sat there for a minute and got flustered and blurted out, “Well, I wasn’t raised that way.” He gave me his all knowing head nod that I have come to know and love so well.

    But still, I’m having issues with it. The voices are yelling at me about it and just absolutely refuse to shut the hell up about the whole ordeal and I’m just so fucking tired of hearing them. Sometimes I just want to twist my head off and roll it down a long, steep hill somewhere, but let’s face it, I live in Indiana, north central Indiana and we get excited if we find a bump in the ground. This is the flatlands.

    I did write something about my uncle’s death though….

    Tribute to Uncle Carl (Died on 02/23/03)
    ©Stormy Stevens 2003

    I looked at him
    so still in death

    Casket open
    no life left

    I greeted family
    not seen in years

    All gathered together
    Each sharing tears

    After paying respects
    came reunions and such

    No one paid much attention to the dead,
    seemed he didn’t matter much

    We looked at pictures
    of times gone past

    Reliving memories
    I suppose will always last

    So we say goodbye
    to another family member

    Each of us entitled
    of how to remember.

    So I have to wonder how other family members will remember him because I know that I am not the only family member that was abused by him.

    During the funeral the minister said, “I went to see Carl in the hospital and he said to me, “There’s no use praying over me, I already KNOW I’m going to hell.” When the minister said that, my mind stuch on that statement. I can’t tell you what was said during the rest of the service. I cried continousley throughout the rest of the service without realizing it, my husband at my side, handing me tissues.

    What was on my mind was, “Did he KNOW he was going to hell because of all the abuse he reeked on me, his sons, his daughter, his wife, and my cousins and only Gods know who else? How many of my cousins sitting here today were thinking the same thing?” That is all I could think of. I didn’t come out of those thoughts until the funeral director touched my shoulder to tell my row that we could exit to our cars and when he touched me I about jumped out of my skin!

    I chose not to go to the graveside services. I couldn’t handle it. Oh, and did I mention that my uncle looked exactly like my dad who died on Dec. 23, 1985 when I first approched the coffin? For about five minutes, I was looking at my dad again and crying, reliving that moment all over again, but then I looked away and looked back and it was my uncle. My cousin Sandy, uncle’s daughter, came and stood beside me and we hugged, the kind of hug that only close cousins can hug, the mental connection that we have and we cried together. She whispered in my ear, “It was an entire replay of what happened to Uncle Bill.” Bill was my dad. The she said, He looks like Uncle Bill, doesn’t he. I agreed, even though now all I could see what the man that abused me, the man that I disgusted and just wanted, even in his death, to claw his eyes out and his skin off.

    When he died, we had a level three snow energency going on, which means that nothing was allowed on the road except emergency personal. Coroners are not emergency personal.

    So I thought about him, laying in a dark, locked drawer in the hospital’s morgue and I was convinced that the Powers that be hadn’t allowed him to leave his earthly body yet so he could see how it felt to be locked up, in the cold and dark with no way out. He knows what that feels like now.

    When I was little and had to live with them because daddy was again in detox and mom was off in some other state partying with her current boyfriend, too busy to worry about me, my uncle, as punishment, often locked me in the basement. No light and it was cold and damp. Nothing to sleep on except the concrete floor and nothing to cover up with. No toliet. Nothing. One meal a day and only if I didn’t climg the stairs before I heard the click of the lock. If I started up the stairs before then, he would open the door and take my food away and I wouldn’t get to eat that day. Sometimes, late at night, after he went to bed, his daughter, my cousin, would slip out of bed and slip me some food. She really put herself in jeprody doing this. If she’d ever been caught, she and I both knew she would have been beat with the razor strap within an inch of her life.

    So yeah, I was asking him, “Uncle, how does it feel to be locked up in the cold, clammy dark with no power to get out?” I think he deserved that. But he only had to deal with it for 48 hours. I had to deal with weeks at a time with it for punishment of something small such as accidently dropping a piece of silverware on the floor at dinnertime.

    Okay, enough about all that. I wrote another poem recently too since the voices refuse to SHUT UP since his death. They’ve been really loud and obnoxious because I’m trying to deal with my mixed emotions on this. Here’s the poem and then I am going to sign off for now.

    The Voices
    ©Stormy Stevens

    Voices in my head
    telling me I should be dead

    that I don’t deserve to live
    and that I have nothing to give

    They yell at me I’m worthless
    and the day I was born is cursed

    I was a mistake and
    I’m something to hate

    They scream at me to do this
    They scream at me to do that
    And when I refuse to listen
    My head feels like it’s going to crack

    There’s voices of both genders
    of all ages and of backgrounds
    I try to stay busy in order
    not to make a sound

    As long as they are
    in control there’s nothing
    I can do.

    –Listen up honey, we’re ALWAYS
    in control of you!

February 27, 2003

  • I’m not a Threat

    ©Stormy Stevens 2003


    Who am I? Where have I been?
    Am I some freak with a fin?


    Why do people fear me when they hear what I have?

    Aren’t they smart enough to know it’s not contagious
    and it can’t be cured with some salve?

    I’m not crazy and I’m not a threat to anyone.
    I’m just trying to get a straight head on.

    I won’t hurt anyone,
    all I want to do is help others

    When you see me,
    you don’t have to run for cover.



February 9, 2003

  • I’m sorry I haven’t been around to post lately. Life has been rough lately. Fell back into a depression due to the isoltion I had to go into in my room from being sick and dealing with kidney stones.

    See, I was really addicted to Pepsi. I drank a 12 pack per DAY. The day of Steven’s (middle son) surgery, aftewards, when we were walking out, we stopped at the Pepsi machine and instead of getting Pepsi I got water. So the drink of Pepsi that I took before we left the house to take him in was the last time Pepsi has crossed my lips! But I drink more then 2.5 gallons of water now so its cleaning the old system out.

    I’m getting better on my med cocktail. It seems that I am more stable with an underlying tone of depression, but not as much. I haven’t went up into a mania either. Sometimes I do slip farther down into the depression then I need to be but I eventually come up. I’ve been doing a lot of writing in my BP journal and that seems to help quite a bit.

    I still have days that stress and worry just get to me and I cry off and on all day long.

    Then there are those days that I spend in my online community for BP trying to help others.

    So that’s what’s been going on with me. Just fighting to survive.

    What have you been up to?

January 15, 2003

  • blueyoohoo asked the following question in his blog today and I thought the best way for me to approach such a complicated question would be for me to answer it here because I can become wordy when it comes to questions such as this.

    “How do you best comfort or help someone you know and love who is suffering from depression?  What helps you when you are down, and what are the common things that people do that is absolutely no help?”

    Comforting and helping someone who suffers from depression can be hard and can even hurt the person trying to do the comforting and the helping. It can be frustrating and it can make the comforter want to tear their hair out and sometimes even throw thier hands in the air and say “I quit.” But they don’t. They go on with that person because they love them and they want to help them through the pain they see that they are in. They want to help them get through the depression, through the darkness and back into the light again.

    The supporter (the one who loves the sufferer) listens to the sufferer. They hold them when they need held, they listen the the sufferer yell, scream and cry and TRY to keep in mind that they (the supporter) are not the ones that they (the sufferer) are yelling, screaming and crying AT.

    The supporter takes care of them when the sufferer has sank into one of the deeper depressions to where they can’t get out of bed except to go to the bathroom. They check on them often, they encourage them to get out of bed but they don’t try to force them. They listen if the sufferer wants to talk. They give a hug if the sufferer will let them. They let the sufferer know they are there for them no matter what.

    If the one that is suffering the depression has gotten to the point of talking about suicide, the supporter gets that sufferer to a doctor or a hospital somehow. Anyone that starts talking about suicide…. that is an immediate cry for help. I’m not kidding here.

    Most people trapped in depression have suicidal thoughts on a daily basis, but they don’t voice them. When they start voicing them, that is when the supporter needs to take action. The sufferer may fight against you wanting to call the doctor, hospital or whomever it is that you need to call, but let them fight you on it. Call their therapist, their psychiatrist, the hospital, 911, whomever you need to call in order to save the one you love. Maybe they need to be hospitalized for a few days. Maybe they just need to talk to their therapist or they may just need an adjustment in their medications. The supporter doesn’t know, you just know that your loved one started talking about suicide and that is a sign for you to take action. But during all this, do it gently. Remind the one that you love that you are only doing what you are doing because you love them and you don’t want to see them hurting like this and that you want them to feel better. That when they are hurting you are hurting.

    Sometimes the depressed person in your life will want to be alone. They will want to isolate themselves to work through their cycles. If they tell you to leave them alone, sometimes you have to do that, but stay close if you can. Remind them you are still there for them, and if possible, hopefully they will just isolate themselves to their room and you can stay in the same house with them. Even if they want to isolate, you still need to check on them and remind them that you are only checking on them because you love and care about them.

    Another thing supporters can do that is a big thing is to make sure the depressed person gets to their doctor’s appointments. If they don’t have a doctor, try to find one for them and get them to that doctor. Its important for the depressed to be in a doctor’s care for a correct diagnosis, medications and the correct care.

    I know all this may sound like its a hard thing to do, but when you love someone it’s really not. If you, reading this, have more questions that I didn’t answer or you have personal questions that you want answered, hit my email and send me an email with your question and put your email address in the body of the letter that you want me to email you back at. I will be more then happy to try to help you. Describe what is going on and what your question is and I will try to help.

    My husband…. he is my hero. I have put him through the mill more times then I care to remember and he has stood fast by my side no matter how bad I have put him through hell. He is one strong man and I don’t know what I would do without him. I probably wouldn’t be here right now without him. As a matter of fact I know I wouldn’t have. I would have died back in 1984 and a more times then that since then.

    If you have someone you love that is clinically depressed or that is Bipolar. Please feel free to write to me. I’ll help you in anyway that I can.

    As for what does absolutely no help, I will address that in just a bit, maybe today, or I might address that tomorrow.

January 11, 2003

  • Steven on his 14th birthday, January 11, 2003

    My little boy turned 14 today
    I love him so much and in so many ways.

    He’s growing up too fast for me
    but it’s something I can’t stop, you see

    He is ready to break out and be part of HIS crowd
    He doesn’t want to be coddled or want his mom around

    He wants his freedom to do what he wants
    He thinks he knows it all and he’s on the hunt.

    But when it comes down to it, he’s still just a kid
    He still needs old mom and from friends he keeps that hid.

    He has his whole life to live and discoveries to make too
    He has so much living and loving to do.

    He may be 14 now and to him that’s a big thing
    but secretly he’s still my baby, but that’s just my thing.

    He’s still not too old to hug his mom or say I love you
    and I’ll cherish every moment that those moments ensue.


    Happy Birthday Steven!
    I love you!!!


January 10, 2003

  • This is to xkityrockx I’m sorry if you are bipolar and can’t accept it. If you are in denile about it, I hope you learn to accept it soon and find a pdoc to go to and get some help. It sounds like you are expericing some serious dysphoric episodes. I feel really sorry for you because I know what that is like.

    Second of all, please get an English/Spelling tutor so that we all can understand your postings better. This may be another problem, maybe you are dyslectic and don’t know it. Please go get tested. Its the only way you are going to find help.

    I’m sorry you felt you had to unload on me, but that is what bipolars are best at, unloading on other people. At least you unloaded on someone that understands. Please seek the help that you need. You will be better off in the long run. The longer you go without treatment, the harder your disorder is to treat.

    I was 17 when I was finally dx’ed as bipolar, although I experienced my entire life. I hope you get help sooner then I did.

    Safe journey to you.